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10 Powerful Networking Skills
Part of 'Take Away Training' series
Learn how to become more successful with your networking by implementing ten powerful skills. Discover whether you are a passive, active or proactive networker.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
5 Steps to High Self esteem
Part of 'Take Away Training ' series
Learn five practical ways to improve self esteem and significantly improve productivity now.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
6 Ways to Build Rapport
Part of 'Take Away Training' series
Learn useful ways for creating a bond and connection - regardless of whether you are in sales, service or any other role that involves person to person contact.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
7 Steps to Improving Communication
Part of 'Take Away Training' series
Learn a simple, effective seven-step blueprint that can immediately improve communication skills.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
9 Deadliest Sins of Communication, The
Gain proven, practical solutions to some of the most common workplace communication problems
You can trace almost every workplace failure or faux pas to poor communication skills on someones part. But most foul-ups could have been averted - if people only knew The 9 Deadliest Sins of Communications and how to avoid them. Whether youre the guilty party - or its your boss, co-worker or custom... read more
A typical day
Talk about what you do everyday, what you often do and what you never do.The Basic English learning package comprises 20 ground-breaking programs that combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design to engage learners of English.Designed by Linguistics Expert Dr FRan Byrnes and Psychologist... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Achieving Cultural Competence, 50 Activities for
An outstanding source for training activities relating to employee empowerment. Today most executives and managers need to have an international business and cross-cultural perspective. 50 Activities for Achieving Cultural Competence includes 50 training activities and self-development exercises to ... read more
Achieving SMART Goals
Lean the SMART formula and set specific measurable goals that are relevant and achievable within a time frame. Carol says she is successful because she constantly sets herself daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. She distinguishes between short-term and longer-term goals and introduces the team ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Agreeing and Disagreeing
Learn to agree or disagree appropriately and use the first conditional to express possibilities. Each video has five sections:Language Functions, Grammar, Idioms, Vocabulary, Pronunciation. 20 FUN ESL VIDEOS Shot on location in USALearn English as it is REALLY spoke
DVD style course with completion certificate only
All For One - The Meerkat Way
A pragmatic philosophy designed to change or reawaken the way we feel about safety.
This comprehensive package is designed to change or reawaken the way we feel about safety- and help inspire a cultural step change towards an interdependent safety culture. As a species, Meerkats should never have survived at all. They're tiny vulnerable creatures that live in an incredibly hostile ... read more
An Efficient Approach to Online Dating
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Sadhana Smiles, Director, RealChange to explore some practical advice and strategies. Many single business people need a more efficient approach to dating. Sadhana Smiles offers advice: • Efficient for time-poor people • ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Learn to apologize appropriately and identify verbs that take the infinitive -want, seem, attempt, demand, expect, like and love. Each video has five sections:Language Functions, Grammar, Idioms, Vocabulary, Pronunciation. 20 FUN ESL VIDEOS Shot on location in USA
DVD style course with completion certificate only