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As children we learned through play, and as adults we still would, if we were taught that way. Think of every memory you have – the strongest ones will be linked to emotion of some sort – so creating an atmosphere of fun in your training sessions will make the learning experience positive and intense.

These games are geared to provide whole-brain learning, across all the senses and learning preferences. There are active and reflective games; visual, auditory and kinaesthetic treats and we leave it up to you to put in olfactory and gustatory!


The manual comes with a handy Theme finder– so whenever you are looking for an activity on change, listening skills, communication skills, time management, team building or any one of the 33 categories that you can use the games for, just turn to the Theme finder and pick the game that is right for you. There is also a Timings grid, so you can check that the game will fit your schedule.

Each game gives detailed instructions:

  • What’s it for?
  • How many people?
  • Time it takes?
  • Any props required?
  • Preparation required?
  • How to play?
  • What to do afterwards?
  • Variations on the theme?


A selection of the types of games included in 101 Great Training Games is given below...

Icebreakers and Energisers
A selection of shorter activities that quickly pep up your group when energy levels have dipped. Great for introductions, after lunch and any time you want people to shift state. Try No 61: Call to action or No 63: On tap

Games that help your delegates to understand what a team is, how they work and how to improve and cement relationships. All of these games have been tried and tested, will encourage greater understanding and will also inspire your teams to shift the performance curve. Try No 44: Watercourse or No 91:We’ve got rhythm

Diversity can be as much about the big issues – race, sex, religion and language as about small things for example, understanding that some people want to stand very close to you, making others feel their space is invaded. Try No 53: Culture vultures or No 56: Ninety-nine per cent (or Nature or nurture?) to get people discussing diversity issues. Change
Change is often resented and resisted. These games will help your people to understand why that is so, and also to see that change can be a wonderful opportunity which can be embraced. See No 3: Chameleon or No 13: Extreme Sports

Communication Skills
Communication is one of the most critical skills in both your business and personal life. We all complain of poor communication throughout organisations – these games can help to redress the balance by ensuring your delegates use voice and body language appropriately and check for understanding. Try No 16: Bag of tricks for checking understanding or No 24: Master and apprentice for clarity of description, good questioning and effective listening skills.

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Featured Talent
David Cotton
Keith Tanner
238 pages
Product Type
Activity Pack/Toolkit
Course ID

101 Games • 'OK to copy' pages