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Program Highlights

  • Why having an enemy is only outdone by having a cause.
  • The value of the "Obvious Number Two."
  • Why it's OK to have fun.

Scott McNealy believes leaders cannot be created—only identified. But even natural leaders need exposure. They need the opportunity to take on challenges that hone their skills and generate the wisdom to reach their full potential. That's where coaching comes in. Given proper motivation and mentoring, individuals (and teams) will do their best—strengthening their organizations in the process of increasing their own effectiveness.

McNealy explains how to develop your own strengths to lead other leaders. And, having recently completed a successful leadership transition strategy at Sun, he shares his methods for selecting and grooming dynamic leaders. He emphasizes the importance of evaluating on the basis of integrity as well as ability, and encourages you to get rid of the prima donnas (sooner rather than later). In this insightful talk, McNealy offers a game plan for preparing and inspiring your next generation of leaders—at every level of your organization.

Scott McNealy co-founded Sun Microsystems Inc. in 1982 and served as chief executive officer and chairman from 1984 to 2006. McNealy guided the company from a Silicon Valley start-up to a leading provider of network computing infrastructure, with almost 38,000 employees worldwide.

Video Running Time (minutes)
Featured Talent
Chairman CEO
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Scott McNealy
Product Type
Course ID