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Modern day driving conditions constantly challenge us to operate automobiles as safely as possible while we deal with other complications in life. Our busy schedules can be quite stressful and we find ourselves trying to make the most of every possible moment in each day. This often means that each trip in a vehicle becomes a race against time and other drivers. Time restraints sometimes make us feel that we must get other things done while driving through the use of cellular phones and other devices. The highly stressful, aggressive nature of today’s driving environment can also lead to volatile confrontations between drivers. We should be aware that all of these things can be very dangerous and that we must take the necessary steps to stay safe on the road.

This video analyzes the four stages of road rage and the steps drivers can take to keep themselves from becoming a victim of violence. The use of cellular phones and other modern devices while driving is also reviewed. Stressed in the program is the importance of safe driving for those who drive company vehicles.

Program Objectives:

  • The four stages of road rage and what can be done to avoid confrontation on the road;
  • The importance of extra caution and safe driving maneuvers when operating company vehicles;
  • When it is safe and unsafe to use cellular phones while driving;
  • Why drivers should pull off of the road when using other portable devices in their cars.
Driving Safety
Video Running Time (minutes)
Product Type
Course ID

Leader's Guide


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