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Making the best use of time is something that everyone aspires to. This video is an important step in the right direction. Use this programme to offer practical, constructive advice on how to allocate priority to tasks and how to identify the difference between 'progress' and 'maintenance' work. Help them to achieve objectives and personal development plans with the simple but effective techniques demonstrated. A series of short, light-hearted illustrations, linked by two presenters, offer clear guidance on how to make the time you have more productive. The video can be used in courses or lent to individuals to view by themselves.

Learning includes:
* how to 'file the pile'
* how to recognise and use personal 'prime time'
* how to use your diary to book time to do tasks
* how to tackle procrastination
* what to do in a crisis
* how to deal with interruptions

Especially relevant to:
* time management
* self-development
* stress prevention
* project management
* induction courses
* objective setting

Time Management
Video Running Time (minutes)
Featured Talent
Hugh Murray
Product Type
Course ID
Available languages
Indian English

Trainer's Guide


Trainers Guide

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