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This item contains several different items. Purchasing this item includes all of the component items listed below.


Most of us from time to time will be part of a project team. We'll be required to work with others, complete assignments, as well as communicate progress and project challenges. Building your skills to be an effective project team member is a great thing to do. When we take the time to develop our skills to contribute to projects at a higher level, there are numerous benefits.

Not only does the team and company benefit from higher levels of performance, but we benefit too. We are seen as a valuable team member, we are looked to for advice and information, and we create future opportunities for more challenging and exciting work projects.

Therefore, if you'd like to increase your contribution as a project team member, then the Become a Contributing Project Team Member courseware is a great place to start.

This course bundle includes the following 9 bite sized mobile ready courses:

  1. Performance Measures for Performance
    Identify the performance measures you will use to determine project performance
  2. Effective Decision Making
    Evaluate the effectiveness of your decision making capabilities
  3. Understand Past Project Issues
    Understand past problems and plan for their potential impact on the project
  4. Meeting Customer Needs
    Know what your customers need and what you can do to meet these needs
  5. Share What You Think is Best
    Share with others what idea or course of action you think is best
  6. Potential Project Risks
    Identify potential risks for any project
  7. Navigate within the Organization Structure
    Know how to navigate people relationships and within the organization’s structure
  8. Know the Competition
    Know the competition and how it compares to your company's products and services
  9. Clear and Concise Emails
    Learn how to compose clear and concise emails for any audience

This is available as part of

Project Management
A Vado Learning Track
Vado Learning Tracks provide learners with recommended course bundles to be taken to together for an in-depth development experience. The Project Management Learning Track comprises the following bundles: Project Management for Managers (18 courses) Meeting Management (5 courses) Become a Contributi... read more
Video Running Time (minutes)
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Course ID

Component Items

This is a compilation item which contains other items. Licensing this one item causes all of the following items to be licensed.

1. Performance Measures for Performance
Knowing if and why your project is successful is important; identifying how you will determine its success is critical. In fact, it's hard for anyone to say a project is successful without knowing how to define it. If you're involved in a project, you and others must decide what criteria should be u... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
2. Effective Decision Making
If you want to strengthen your decision-making skills, a good place to start is by gaining an understanding of your current capabilities. When you know what you do well and what you don't, you are in a better position to identify what you want to develop. Depending on your role and the decisions you... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
3. Understand Past Project Issues
While we can never completely eliminate the possibility of the unexpected, there are some things we can do to anticipate and plan for issues that may occur. If you're concerned about potential risks and want to minimize them, then taking the time to proactively prepare is a must. It certainly can be... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
4. Meeting Customer Needs
Perhaps one of the most important aspects of anyone's job, no matter what role you have, is to meet your customers' needs. And no matter what your job may be, you certainly have customers. Customers may be people who purchase a product or service. They may be individuals you interact with frequently... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
5. Share What You Think is Best
Strengthening your ability to clearly articulate your thoughts and ideas is important. The better you can communicate your ideas with confidence and strength, the more valuable you will be to the team, and the more opportunities you will have in the future. You are a valuable person to the company a... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
6. Potential Project Risks
Identifying and understanding the potential problems that could happen throughout the duration of your project is smart, and represents good project management technique. Taking the time upfront to identify the things that may impact the team's ability to stay on schedule and deliver quality work is... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
7. Navigate within the Organization Structure
When you work in an organization, a key skill required for success is the ability to navigate the complexities and nuances of other people and their relationships to each other. In any company an interpersonal structure emerges, consisting of who knows who, who knows what, and who makes decisions. A... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
8. Know the Competition
If you're in a business that offers products or services, and that's the case for every business out there, than it's a good idea to get to know your competition. Knowing your competitors is beneficial for a number of reasons. You'll increase your ability to differentiate your products or services, ... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
9. Clear and Concise Emails
Sending and receiving emails have become an integrated part of how we work. It's an essential tool few can live without; and yet with all the advantages email provides it has some drawbacks too. We all know that once we hit send our email is permanent. We can't take it back. We can't make correction... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test