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The thought of developing a career, building capabilities, and becoming more skilled can be very exciting. It's fun to think about gaining experience, taking on more difficult work, and being rewarded for an increased set of knowledge and skills. It's definitely true that building a career within a company can be a very rewarding experience, both personally and financially. This course will help you think through where you may want to take your career, as well as identify the first few next steps to start the process of moving in the direction you'd like to go. By completing this course, you will know how to identify potential career opportunities.

The Result:
Identify potential career opportunities

This is available as part of

Building Your Career
Individuals take action to identify career opportunities, build the required skills and brand themselves to others.
Building a career can be very rewarding, both personally and financially. And while our managers can help us seek out new opportunities and build the skills required for the future, it is really up to us to take charge and guide our own career. The Building Your Career courseware will help you do ju... read more
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