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Managing conflict is not easy. It can be uncomfortable, awkward and challenging. Some people naturally handle conflict well, while others stumble through and hope for the best. As with anything else, managing conflict is a skill. While it may not be natural for some, anyone can learn some basic principles and with practice, get better at working through conflict with others. This course provides a process to strengthen your ability to resolve conflict. You'll find when you strengthen your conflict management skills you and others work better together, are more efficient, and will deliver better results. By completing this course, you will know how to use a process for managing conflict with others.

The Result:
Use a process for managing conflict with others

This is available as part of

Building Your Leadership Skills
Individuals build leadership skills that can help in any role, whether the person is an individual contributor, new supervisor or experienced manager.
Being a leader is not just about managing others. It's also about being a positive role model with others, taking personal responsibility for your actions, and taking the lead to increase your contribution to the organization. Personal leadership is also about communicating well with others, being a... read more
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