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We all know the ability to effectively communicate with others is an essential part of our success at work. Being able to clearly articulate key information ensures individuals have the information they need, it ensures they can understand the information given, and provides clear direction for the actions they must take. Simply put, when we communicate messages effectively, we create a situation that enables everyone be successful. This course will help you get feedback on how well you communicate important information is a great thing to do. Feedback from others can help you know how to strengthen your messages, which ensures you are delivering information in the most effective way. By completing this course, you will know how to receive feedback from your team on how well you are communicating key messages.

The Result:
Receive feedback from your team on how well you are communicating key messages

This is available as part of

Communication Skills for Managers
Managers build and strengthen their communication skills to work more effectively with their employees, peers and organization leaders.
As a manager, it is essential you are a good communicator. You are in constant communication with others. Whether it's with senior leaders, peers, or your employees, you must be able to clearly articulate your thoughts and ideas, as well as deliver clear and concise messages. When you do, you'll fin... read more
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