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As a manager, if you want your employees to engage and perform, you must help each employee find the right level of challenging work. Challenging work looks different for everyone and some may need more than others, but all employees need challenging work to stay excited and committed to their job. This course will help you actively involve your employee in helping to increase the level of challenge in his or her work. Your role is to guide and coach your employee. The more he or she is involved in making decisions, the more likely the person will be excited about the new challenges, and will be more productive at work. By completing this course, you will be able to determine your employees' current level of challenge, and identify ways to create the right amount of challenge in their work.An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

The Result:
Increase the level of challenge an employee experiences at work

This is available as part of

Management Essentials
Managers build the basic management skills required to coach employees, deliver feedback and recognize the achievements of others.
When you're a manager, there are some basic, essential skills everyone should have. Whether it's setting clear work priorities, building great teamwork, listening well to others, or performing a performance review. Each of the skills impact how effective you'll be as a manager. The Management Essent... read more
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