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Any successful project manager will tell you it's critical to consistently monitor the status of your project's tasks. Lose sight of what's going on and you run the risk of more problems, incomplete work, and missed deadlines. Don't follow-up and individuals with work assignments may start to see your project as less important and thus focus on other things. When you stay connected and consistently seek status updates, you'll know what's going on while at the same time reinforce the importance of your project. The purpose of this course is to help you identify how you will monitor the progress of your project and its associated tasks. You'll be focused on selecting a method to keep others accountable and to stay close to the various aspects of your project. By completing this course, you will know how to actively monitor the current status of your project.

The Result:
Actively monitor the current status of your project

This is available as part of

Project Management for Managers
Project Managers focus on the skills required to lead and manage effective and successful projects.
When you're in charge of managing a project there is a lot to do. Whether it's planning and tracking tasks and assignments, involving others in the right way, communicating to stakeholders or negotiating and decision-making. All of these skills must be used when you are responsible for the success o... read more
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