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While there are a number of elements to planning a project, one area that may not get a lot of quality thinking is the type of tools and resources you'll use to plan and manage the project. Nowadays there are so many terrific tools available to plan, manage, track, and implement your project, there's no excuse for not being organized and efficient. Taking a little bit of time to identify which tools you'll use upfront is a great way to prepare yourself to plan and manage your project. It's just one more way to ensure your final success. Do the right things upfront, and the likelihood you'll experience a smooth and enjoyable process is increased, not to mention the ability to deliver a successful project on time, with quality, and within budget. By completing this course, you will be able to select the tools and resources you will use to effectively plan your project.

The Result:
Determine the tools and resources you will use to effectively plan your project

This is available as part of

Project Management for Managers
Project Managers focus on the skills required to lead and manage effective and successful projects.
When you're in charge of managing a project there is a lot to do. Whether it's planning and tracking tasks and assignments, involving others in the right way, communicating to stakeholders or negotiating and decision-making. All of these skills must be used when you are responsible for the success o... read more
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