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Accountability is essential for success. When we know what must be done, when it must be done, and the level of quality that is required, we can be accountable. When we're accountable we know what we're responsible to deliver and understand what will happen if we don't. When we're accountable we take ownership for our work and feel responsible for our performance. While many have negative feelings about the word, in truth, accountability is good for everyone. This course will help you create greater accountability even when leading remotely. In the following steps you will learn what you can do to successfully create accountability with each person on your team. By completing this course, you will know what's required to overcome the challenges of holding people accountable remotely.

The Result:
Build the capabilities to overcome the challenges of holding people accountable remotely

This is available as part of

Remote Leadership Toolkit
Because Remote Leaders Have Unique Challenges
Leading remote employees is now a fact of life. Over 80% of teams and 90% of projects have at least one member not physically located with the rest of the group. In addition, a recent study from showed that the number of employees who telecommute more than one day per we... read more
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