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You're a remote leader--welcome to the club. You are part of a growing group of leaders tasked with managing and leading individuals across the country and around the world. That sounds like a big task, and it is. Whether you're in the same building or not, leadership is complex. What's critical to remember is that you're a leader first. No matter where you are, you must connect employees to the company vision, provide direction and coaching, inspire and motivate, create strong work goals, and so on. Leadership is complicated, and as a virtual leader, you have the added challenge of needing to perform your leadership role and responsibilities by working through and with technology. The good news is there are a number of best practices and techniques you can implement to maximize the technology, thus turning a virtual work environment from a challenging environment into one that is engaging, energizing and gets work done. By completing this course, you will find out what's unique about leading within the virtual environment.

The Result:
Find out what's unique about leading within the virtual environment

This is available as part of

Remote Leadership Toolkit
Because Remote Leaders Have Unique Challenges
Leading remote employees is now a fact of life. Over 80% of teams and 90% of projects have at least one member not physically located with the rest of the group. In addition, a recent study from showed that the number of employees who telecommute more than one day per we... read more
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