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The Blended Interview is a pattered, yet flexible interview that elicits the varieties of information needed to make an informed selection decision. And even though non-behavioral questions can be helpful in gathering information, Behavioral Description Questions provide the richest, most useful information to assess a candidate's fit for a role. For this course, you will pull together all the information you've learned so far and focus your energy towards conducting effective Blended Interviews.

The Result:
Learn how to truly assess a candidate's fit for the position

This is available as part of

totalView Behavioural Based Interviewing
A High-impact e-learning Program that provides your interviewers all the tools they need to become interviewing pros!
Great interviewers are made not born... said in a different way... if you want recruiters and hiring managers in your organization to make great hiring decisions, they need the totalView™ online e-learning interviewer training! Interviewing is a skill, and just like becoming a brain surgeon it take... read more
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