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Program Highlights

  • The 5 biggest mistakes leaders make when managing change.
  • What it takes to go from "surviving change" to "thriving on change."
  • How change really gets communicated through an organization.

Change is no longer an event... Change is business as usual. Customers are demanding "better, faster, cheaper"; competition is fierce; and a turbulent economy and technological advances increase the pressure to "do more with less." Success today is dependent on keeping your work force resilient, positive, and engaged while this rapid (and accelerating) change constantly turns your organization upside down. Yet, employees are increasingly skeptical about committing to business strategies that are constantly being redefined.

So how do you successfully implement a change initiative, and keep your organization flexible and adaptive? Dr. Goman presents specific methods for communicating to employees both the WIIFM benefits of your plan and the negative consequences for the viability of your team if they don't get on board. She explains why, as a leader, your actions in the hallways are more important than what you say in the meetings, and how symbols can inspire commitment—or totally sabotage any progress toward your goal.

Carol Kinsey Goman has worked with over 90 organizations in 19 countries, including Consolidated Edison, PepsiCo, Hewlett-Packard, Texas Instruments and the American Institute of Banking. She is the author of nine books, including "This Isn't the Company I Joined—How to Lead in a Business Turned Upside Down."

Video Running Time (minutes)
Featured Talent
Carol Kinsey Goman Ph.D
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