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Program Highlights
  • How to partner effectively with a much larger company—and contain your financial risk.
  • The value of early customer service in fostering long-term goodwill.

iRobot operated without venture capital and on a break-even basis for eight years, developing a number of products for industry and the military without commercial success. An engineer who minored in business, Angle shares the practical lessons learned from these early failures: from managing a business struggling month-to-month to make payroll, to fostering early collaboration between engineering and marketing, to “rebuilding the plane you are flying” when growth ultimately takes off.
Colin Angle is a leading authority on mobile robots. Prior to co-founding iRobot, he was president of Artificial Creatures Inc. He holds a BS in electrical engineering and an MS in computer science, both from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
DVD or video (50 minutes) $95.
Customer Service
Creativity and Innovation
Partnering / Joint Ventures
Video Running Time (minutes)
Featured Talent
Colin Angle
Product Type
Course ID