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28 activities provide a rich source of material for you to use on a stand-alone course or in conjunction with other senior management and executive development programmes.

With the Twenty-first Century Leader you'll be able to:

  • Develop and fine tune your managers' skills as leader of teams, of departments, of your organisation
  • Challenge the status quo with confidence - don't wait for things to happen, make them happen
  • Learn how to articulate a vision, how to win commitment to that vision, and get teams working enthusiastically towards a common goal
  • Discover how to act with integrity to inspire confidence and get the best from teams


1. Understanding leadership
How is leadership different from management? Some key leadership theories are explored and compared.

2. How are you doing?
The participants assess their personal strengths and weaknesses as leaders and make a personal leadership development plan.  


3. Are you really leading?
You encourage the participants to distinguish between leading and managing, and facilitate the conclusion that leaders challenge the status quo. The participants go on to compare innovation and continuous improvement.

4. Innovation
A quiz highlights the importance of innovation and the participants determine how to nurture a culture of creativity. 

5. Continuous improvement
You use a case study to outline the principles of process mapping. The participants then use the technique to improve a real-life process.

6. Getting your people on track
The participants assess their teams in terms of skills and will. They consider what to do about the people who are not contributing as they should.

7. Scenario planning
You cant predict the future, but you can prepare for it using this powerful technique. The participants apply scenario-planning techniques to their own organisations.

8. Leading large-scale change
After considering the characteristics of poorly led change, the participants identify the key things any leader must do well to successfully lead large-scale organisational change.


9. Why have a vision?
The participants reflect on what a vision is and why it is important.

10. Finding your vision
You encourage the participants to identify a vision for their team or organisation.  

11. Core values
After an exercise to distinguish moral values and business values, the participants investigate how both kinds of value can contribute to long-term business success.  

12. Communicating the vision
You help the participants to recognise that it is no use having a vision if their people dont know what it is. They then consider how best to communicate a vision powerfully and memorably.  

13. What gets measured gets done
The participants use the balanced scorecard approach to measure progress towards achieving their vision.


14. Trust and rapport
The participants investigate the role of body language in building trust. They construct a model for building rapport and developing trust over the long term.

15. Managing your own state
You introduce the concept of emotional state. The participants go on to develop and apply some strategies to improve their own emotional state.

16. Influencing the state of others
First, the participants identify different personalities (radiators and drains). They then investigate how to change someone elses emotional state.

17. Influencing styles
You give an overview of the five main ways of influencing telling, selling, negotiating, problem solving and coaching. The participants try to relate these to real-life situations.

18. Telling
The participants learn how to delegate effectively and give people effective feedback that makes a difference.

19. Selling one to one
You encourage the participants to consider what makes a good salesperson. They then practise their skills at selling products, services and ideas.  

20. Making a persuasive presentation
You provide the participants with a format for persuasive presentations. They go on to use this in a practical exercise with the rest of the group.  

21. Negotiating for winwin
Traditional negotiation often leaves both sides feeling slightly bruised. The participants learn how to negotiate so that both sides achieve a good outcome and good relationships are maintained.  

22. Creativity and problem solving
You present the participants with some practical techniques for becoming more creative. They practise these in a whole-group exercise.

23. Coaching for performance
Participants observe and then take part in a coaching session.


24. Decision making
After introducing the four different approaches to decision making, you encourage the participants to analyse recent real-life decisions and decide which approach is the most appropriate.

25. Your values, your beliefs, your decision
Decision making is easier if you know that you believe in. The participants clarify their own values and beliefs and use them to analyse some recent real-life decisions.  

26. Time management from the inside out
The participants plan their week ahead and focus on what is really important. They review the balance between work and non-work and decide how to improve the balance if they are unhappy with it.  

27. Who you are, and where you are going
You provide the participants with an opportunity to clarify some personal goals.  

28. Keeping your learning alive
The participants review their learning during your course and commit to continuing the learning process back in their workplace.
Management Skills
Featured Talent
Larry Reynolds
295 pages
Product Type
Activity Pack/Toolkit
Course ID

28 Activities • 128 'OK to copy' pages


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