Printed Toolkit



The authors believe that energy should be focused on `unblocking'. This term requires explanation. Every organization is a system. Inadequacies or breakdowns in a part of the system undermine the efficiency of the whole. These are blockages, which need to be categorized, explored and removed.

The aim is to transform organizations into learning entities that define and resolve blockages as they occur. This is not a `once fixed then forgotten' task. New blockages occur and old ones reappear. In turbulent environments, static organizations rapidly become moribund and degenerate. Only learning organizations can consistently seize opportunities, recognize threats and maintain an efficient operation.



*  10 discussion activities to enable participants to share and explore opinions
*  15 activities to involve the whole group in practical problem-solving challenges
*  21 sessions which involve instruments or questionnaires as a stimulus for group discussion
*  4 written exercises to examine more sensitive issues in depth.
Organizational Development
Featured Talent
Dave Francis
Mike Woodcock
220 pages
Product Type
Activity Pack/Toolkit
Course ID

50 Activities