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Part of 'Discovering the Future' Series

This best-selling business video, The Business of Paradigms, offers your organization a common language to help people discuss their attitudes about work and the way they view the world. Paradigms determine the way we see the world and our future. Paradigms help us evaluate and organize new information, but our paradigms can be so deeply rooted, so unquestioned that they can become barriers to our ability to see new opportunities. The "old way" may seem like the "only way."

Through powerful personal and business examples, The Business of Paradigms provides deep insights into the way people think. Its messages will open people in your organization to opportunities and solutions they might not have considered because they didn't fit their paradigms. Picture the difference open minds can make if your organization is introducing new products or services, restructuring, training new employees or going through any major change.

The Business of Paradigms will help people in your organization increase their ability to:
* Anticipate change
* Open their minds to new ideas
* Challenge assumptions
* Unleash their imagination
Video Running Time (minutes)
Featured Talent
Joel Arthur Barker
Product Type
Course ID

Facilitator's Guide


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