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If you have a fantastic opening paragraph, it's time to back it up with a great middle and closing paragraph. These paragraphs provide key points and background information, as well as a specific deadline. Just as with opening paragraphs, poorly written middle and closing paragraphs greatly diminish the effectiveness of your communication and may lead to inaction from your readers. Having a simple framework to organize your thoughts and ideas will help you be a more successful business writer, even if all you write are emails. Use this framework to communicate more clearly and get more done. By completing this course, you will know how to write an effective middle and closing paragraph.

The Result:
Write an effective middle and closing paragraph

This is available as part of

Writing to Get Things Done
Effective Communication for Successful Leadership
In partnership with the Berry Writing Group, the experts on business writing, the Writing to Get Things Done® Toolkit will improve productivity by teaching how to use writing as a powerful tool for getting things done. Students will improve their on-the-job writing skills — writing clear, easy-to-r... read more
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