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This item contains several different items. Purchasing this item includes all of the component items listed below.


Vado Learning Tracks provide learners with recommended course bundles to be taken to together for an in-depth development experience.

The Customer Service Learning Track comprises the following bundles:

  1.  Customer Service Basics (7 courses)
  2.  Customer Service Management (8 courses)
Customer Service
Product Type
Course ID

Component Items

This is a compilation item which contains other items. Licensing this one item causes all of the following items to be licensed.

Customer Service Basics
Individuals build the skills required to deliver excellent customer service and build customer loyalty.
Most of us interact with customers in some way. Whether we call them customers or clients, and whether they are outside the company or inside the company, all of us tend to interact with customers at some point. Therefore, it's great to have strong customer service skills. Knowing how to build custo... read more
Customer Service Management
Managers strengthen their skills to build great teamwork among their employees and team.
If you manage employees who interact with customers on a regular basis, then the Customer Service Management courseware is for you. This courseware will help you shape the direction of your customer service team, teach you how to provide feedback to your customer service agents, and help you inspire... read more

Related Courses

Vado - Learning Tracks
Course Bundles to Take Together for an in-depth Development Experience
Each of Vado's courses are chunked, bite sized learning experiences, which are grouped together to form bundles to enable provide learners with a comprehensive learning option. When using a bundle, learners complete a number of courses to more fully develop their skills and capabilities. In addition... read more