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Celebrate What's Right With the World
Do you have a vision for your organization? More importantly, do you have one for yourself, one that gets you excited every morning and keeps you open to possibilities?Dewitt Jones is one of America's top professional photographers. In his career with National Geographic, he found that the creative ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Everyday Creativity
Hosted by National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones, Everyday Creativity is about looking at the ordinary and seeing... t
Everyday Creativity teaches a surprising truth about creativity - that it's not a magical, mysterious occurrence, but a ready tool that enables you to look at the ordinary and see the ... extraordinary. Hosted by photojournalist Dewitt Jones, longtime National Graphic photographer and Academy Award ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Focus Your Vision
Dream the dream, find that extra-ordinary vision, and keep it in focus.
How can we find our direction, our purpose? When we combine our energy and passion with our focused visions, we give ourselves direction and power. Dewitt Jones, encourages us to develop our visions and turn them into reality.When we connect with our visions, and in doing so, release our passion; we... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
For the Love of It
When you work for the love of it, you will serve as an inspiration to yourself and to those around you.
“How can you find a way to love what you do? Every day?” asks Dewitt Jones. In this new video he shares with audiences the importance of beginning each day with a full cup. Dewitt discusses how we all have the ability to love what we do through honoring our passion, making a contribution to those ar... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A short film by Dewitt Jones
This beautiful and sincere program encourages viewers to find their passion, their joy, their juice in all that they do. Juice Reminds Us: Inspiration can come from anywhere, and often comes from the most unexpected places. Determination and focus come with practice. Passion gives us the power to fu... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
More Than One Right Answer
How to find new answers and angles to our questions!
In More Than One Right Answer, best selling author Dewitt Jones reminds us that it's usually easy to find one right answer. The challenge, however, lies in finding new answers and angles. It is amazing what we can discover when we look for multiple right answers to our problems and challenges! This ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Short Stories: Volume 1
Short Stories: Volume One by Dewitt Jones is a powerful way to improve engagement. Featuring 10 inspirational short stories from Dewitt Jones best-selling films, each short story offers you a powerful way to open a gathering, reinforce an idea or offer an inspirational way to end a meeting.
DVD style course with completion certificate only